Hong Kong Baptist University Chinese Medicine Clinics – Consultation Discount︰

Discounted Consultation Fees

  Organizations Eligibility Discount Details Quota
1. HKBU Staff and dependents covered with the Integrated Medical Scheme(A)(Exclude prevention of illness) 1st – 15th visits: $30
16th – 20th visits: $50
21st onwards: 30% off for consultation and treatment fees
(Max. 1 per day; quota reset on 30 Jun annually)
2. HKBU Full time students(B) Standard consultation with 2 packs of granule medicine: $150
Extra pack/subscription re-issue: $50

Percentage Discounts on Consultation Fees

  Organizations Eligibility General Practice Consultation Fee Discounts(C) Quota
  • Alumni
  • Staff who are not eligible to the Integrated Medical Scheme 2004
  • Students (full-time/part-time/associated degrees)
  • Staff and dependents visit for prevention of illness
20% off Unlimited
4. HKBU Foundation members 20% off Unlimited
5. HKBU University Honorary Associates / Retirees 30% off (also applicable to treatment fees) Unlimited
6. HKBU Card holders of “SCE Friends” of the School of Continuing Education 20% off Unlimited
7. HKBU Foundation
  • All organisation donors
  • Senior Members
  • Sponsoring Members
20% off Unlimited
8. City University of Hong Kong Staff, retired staff, dependents and affiliate card holders 20% off Unlimited
9. HKSAR Government Senior Citizen Card holders (Hong Kong residents aged 65 or above) 20% off Unlimited
10. Hang Seng Bank Holders of the Hang Seng Bank (Hong Kong Baptist University) Credit card or affiliate card 20% off Unlimited
11. Hong Kong Old Age Education Worker’s Association Members 20% off Unlimited until 2026/12/31
12. Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers Members 20% off Unlimited until 2026/12/31
13. Hong Kong Baptist Hospital Staff 10% off Unlimited until 2026/12/31
14. Hong Kong Paediatric Rheumatism Association Members 10% off (also applicable to treatment fees) Unlimited until 2025/12/31
15. The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong Members 10% off Unlimited until 2026/12/31
16. Wofoo Plastics Ltd., Wofoo Social Enterprises Ltd. And its member organizations Staff 10% off Unlimited until 2026/12/31
17. Hong Kong Housing Society Staff 20% off Unlimited until 2025/6/30
18. The Tanner Hill Members
[Only applicable to Hong Kong Baptist University Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic (North Point)]
20% off Unlimited until 2026/8/31
19. Tsim Sha Tsui District Kai Fong Welfare Association, and TSTDKFWA Activities Centre for the Elderly Members of Executive and Supervisory Committees, and Members
[Only applicable to Hong Kong Baptist University Chinese Medicine Specialty Centre]
As agreement stated Unlimited
20. Haven of Hope Christian Service Board Members and Staff
[Only applicable to Haven of Hope – Hong Kong Baptist University Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic]
As agreement stated Unlimited
21. The Church of Christ in China China Congregational Church (CCC) Staff, church members of CCC, amd staff from tenants of CCC
[Only applicable to Haven of Hope – Hong Kong Baptist University Chinese Medicine Specialty Clinic]
20% off Unlimited
22. Bank of China Bank of China Holders of the Bank of China Credit card or affiliate card 10% off Unlimited until 2025/12/31
23. HSBC Holders of HSBC Credit card or affiliate card 10% off Unlimited until 2025/12/31
24. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Staff 20% off Unlimited
25. The Education University of Hong Kong Staff/Staff dependent/Student 20% off Unlimited
26. Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited Staff 20% off Unlimited
27. Happy-Retired Members 20%off+$400 body constitutional test & analysis in CMPC Unlimited
28. Inland Revenue Department Sports Association Members 20% off Unlimited until 2025/12/31
29. Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) Staff 20% off Unlimited until 2026/4/30
30. Sino Group Staff 20% off Unlimited until 2026/6/30
31. Lions Clubs International District 303 Hong Kong & Macao, China Members 10% off Unlimited until 2026/12/31


  • Terms of individual discount plans:
    1. Each member is entitled to 20 visits per financial year at a registration fee of $30 for the 1st – 15th visits and $50 for the 16th –20th visits. Each visit is equivalent to a value of one medical consultation with two packs of herbs (currently at HK$280). From the 21st time and onwards, members will enjoy a discount of 30% on all services, except for Chinese herb medicine, herbal medicine brewing, special Medicine, and medications for external use.
    2. The discount only applies to general consultation of designated CM practitioners. Please indicate joining the “Discounts for HKBU students on CM consultation and medicines” scheme when making appointments. Extra $50 will be charged per treatment of acupuncture/ message therapy / herbal paste application/ scraping therapy/ cupping therapy/ moxibustion/ auricular acupuncture therapy/ lumbar traction. Extra cost will be charged if special medicine is prescribed. Please contact the clinic for details.
    3. Unless stated otherwise, the discount is applicable to the standard fee of general practice consultation only.
  • The discount is offered to the cardholder only. It is not transferrable nor refundable.
  • The discount cannot be used in conjunction with other preferential offer(s) by the Clinics.
  • The above information is subject to change without prior notice.